Friday, October 13, 2006


Examination Week Ended.
At last I got my well deserved rest after long weeks of excessive study for my 10subjects examination.Two weeks of exam for is like 2years to me.This time I frankly say that I'll get bad results.I'm not targetting for A1 this time but only A2.Well,Tan Kian Tiong has a very low expectation nowadays.Biology papers were the hardest for me.I think I got 40+ for my bio paper1.Grrr.....but I'm still give God an ocean of thanks for his guidance and blessing through out the exam.

Guitar Practice. guitar skills really sucks.I can't even hold Fmajor for 10seconds.Yesterday,Guna and I fled to Reinchez's place for alil guitar practice.Hahaha....we were practising I Can't stand To Fly by Five for Fighting.I was playing the acoustic guitar strumming up and down while Reinchez was playing the lead plucking every string carefully.My timing ran too fast and the funny part was Guna was so angry at me that I couldn't keep the normal timing for the first verse itself.
By the way,Guna composed a new song.He asked Reinchez to find guitar chords for his song.Hopefully Reinchez will do as he asked.

Addmaths Tuition.
Talking about addmaths,Mr Prasad came into my mind.Currently,he is teaching Chapter 9 Differentiation.He kept shooting questions towards me and sadly I can't answer.I feel really stupid in class.Anway,I've promised myself that if I didn't improve in addmaths,I'll jump into Klang River like what Guna always says.

Ponteng School For A Weeks.
Hahaha...I'm always famous for skipping school.My last paper was on Monday and I'm absent since then.My classmates will not be suprised that I'm always abent.Well,I plan to dye my hair.So,I think I might extend my ponteng project.



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