Thursday, November 10, 2005

de magnificent 7

7 closest people to me:

  • The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit
  • Jonathan Chandra and Friends
  • Fo Yee Thien
  • Mummy Hot
  • Daddy Cool
  • Brother Crapz
  • My Booster( exception to this)

7 most irritating person to me:

  • firstly i will say me myself
  • aka sayo (mak yai ying's sister)
  • albert
  • andrew lee (when he starts all his dirty meaningless jokes)
  • sometimes sherman goh
  • not excluding joshua sebastian (when he started to talk about emily and i-false rumours)
  • lup yan (last time u did irritate me but now i think u've changed)

7 people i rely on the most:

  • heavenly father, son and the holy spirit (for guidance,wisdom and protection)
  • daddy (source of pocket money and advices)
  • mummy (managing my stuff and providing care, concern and LOVE)
  • my grandma aka ah ma (supplying delicious first class meals)
  • my one and only brother (for accompany and play with me when i need)
  • pastor and church members
  • not forgetting ALL my friends (u all are the places where i shared my secrets the most)

7 most hurting words to me(if a person says it to me):

  • if one day my girl friend/wife says "let's break off/separate/go on our own ways (or words related to that)"
  • "stupid/idiot"-although this word sounds so common but it may be one on the most hurting word to me bcoz i've studied so hard yet one scolds me stupid.remember a stupid person may turn into a smart person and wise person but a lazy person will forever remain lazy
  • "i hate u"-if those words are from the person i really cared of, it can be like a knife stabbing into my heart.
  • "step a side. u are too young for this"-sometimes many will say that bcoz i'm only 15 compared to them that are in colleges by now.hey! come on.give me a shot.let me try first before u jump into conclusion that i'm unable to handle or deal with certain matters.( but surely that particular matter must suit me)
  • "i'm better than u!"-don't be too proud or high on yourself because God will not bless those who are proud.
  • "no ones cares about u"-those words can genarated anger in me because it is not true.even if my parents desert me but the Lord will accept me.
  • and lastly the word "u are useless!",i will definitely rate as one of the most hurting words for can be a very common words in our everyday lives but the word"useless" describe me/other people worthless.

My 7 goals for the moment:

  • A for Bahasa Malaysia in my PMR
  • A for English paper in my PMR
  • A for Mathematics in my PMR
  • A for Science in my PMR
  • A for Geograhy in my PMR
  • A for History/Sejarah in my PMR
  • A for Living Skills/Keamhiran Hidup in my PMR


At 10:43 AM, Blogger Josh Seb said...

hahahahhaah u r sooo lame man

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Bernie Tan said...

chill la josh


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