Sunday, March 12, 2006

beyond Xpectation(s)

This week was one extraordinary week for was on my timetable for this week.beginning from Monday rite up to Saturday which was cut it short,i studied really really hard for this past few weeks but this week i felt that i studied the most.i burn up the midnite oil till about 1am everynite.memorizing,memorizing n memorizing.*that's what I'm good at* but ending up forgetting all the facts i memorized after the weekend.
Guess what?I started my tuition on Friday.After rejection and rejection i finally managed to enter to Jayamatic tuition Cnetre.Mr Prasad was a okay okay teacher to me.I found out that his jokes were "funny-less".He was trying to be funny to the students but I found that his jokes were extremely lame.
The highlight for the week was the Be That Girl Conference and Fashion Show 2006 which ended last night.I and Kevin were involved in Grounds and Securities.I was kinda lazy to attend the conference bcoz it collided with my first day with Prasad.So, I got no other options but toskip the first day conference.niways boys shouldn't be there during the a reminder it's a Girl's, I just guess I made a very wise decision that nite.Kevin was like superb hard-working in that conference.he attended every meeting held including the rehearsal nite.I was "worst than a pig..!!!" as described by Jo-Anne.I'm so lazy to attend any meeting for the conference thingy xcept the fashion show nite.I just wanna check out gals as I'm single now...*joking joking*.Another thing was I went there for free.RM40---->RM0.imagine that?Talking about the Fashion Show,it reminds me of Sammy Boy(Sam Oh).For me,he was like the man of the nite.he looked kinda cool with zhi li.*praise sam*. continue rawking 4 God,sammy...!!

niways,God was working tremendously gracefully great this week.I believe at least one person got save from that conference and fashion thingy.

*one soul saved,the whole heaven rejoices*

Our God is an Awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
with wisdom power n love
Our God is an Awesome God.

+stay c00L +


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