Sunday, March 25, 2007

God Please Change Me

I really dont understand myself nowadays.I just love Guns N' Roses so much.I really dont know why.I was influenced by my best friend,Reinchez so much.At first I dont really admire this band but soon or later he lend me a CD of this band and now I'm stunk with it.Even now I'm listening to it and guess what's my favourite song of this band? Back Of Bitch..what a wrong song to hear being as a Christian.The lyrics just keep coming into my head saying "Bitch".

I really need a breakthrough now.Heavenly Father,Hollow be Your name.Your kingdon come your will be done.Let your will be done on me.Deliever me from the Evil one and help me to forget my debter and you forgive me everytime.Renew my faith daily in You.Let me not fall short of your Glory.Bring me from breakthroughs after breakthroughs.From strength to strength.From Glory to Glory and from victories after victories.Abide in me and I shall abide in you.I thristy to you.Fill me in stead of the world.Let me decrease but let you increase in me.


At 1:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...



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