Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I got number two in class?

Do I deserve this position in class?Well,frankly speaking I really I want to be the number two person in class.It's like heaven when I tell my parents this but I know this is only an illusion!

Ouchh...that hurt.I saw the position placing this morning in school and I got the shock of my lfe when I got number two at the back of who else?Lim Soon Hong,the biggest brain in class.I out beat Jason and Kang Beng.Our class teacher,don't know who wrongly typed Jason's marks.I guess after correcting it I will drop to number five or six.That is really a slap to me for sure.

Over all my prediction about my results is always wrong.I got 8 A1,1 A2 and 1 B4.Bahasa Malysia is my lowest.I really need to get right with myself.I'm too arrogant!I need to control what I say to others especially when it comes to studies.I don't wanna lose my friends.I need to stick to Pastor Andy's advice to me."Be humble,Bernie.Thou u shall inherit the goodness and blessing from Him"

Argg...need to focus more on my Bahasa Malaysia.I'm going for an A1 in SPM.Hope the correction for the position in class will be out by tomorrow.I cant stop thinking of the number "2".


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